A child that has a strong bond with its parents can best develop its individual potential. He dares to take bold steps in life and matures into an adult who is able to make decisions that suit his or her personality and contribute to a happy and healthy life. Here are some tips on how to strengthen your relationship with your children.

How To Strengthen The Relationship With Your Child
Communicate Your Unconditional Love
If we want to support your children for the challenges of life, then it is important that we do not make the love that we show them conditional. On the contrary, one can even say that the more “difficult” it is in our eyes, the more urgently a child needs our expression of love. When children feel loved regardless of their behavior, then they can love and accept themselves for who they are. You can see yourself as a valuable person, even if something goes wrong.
Think Positive About Your Child
When it comes to the children, we parents are often all too familiar with our children’s vulnerabilities. A lot of times we would like to change them. You may want them to be less aggressive, shy, fearful, tearful, or quick-tempered. Our whole focus may lie on how we can get the child to behave in accordance with the norms so that we as parents are not seen in a bad light. Accordingly, we often complain, scream, shame, blackmail and punish. Fortunately, most mothers feel that this is not how they really want to treat their children. So you resolve to speak to your children in a friendly and positive manner. Often it stays with this resolution.
Family Rituals
When we think about strengthening the relationship with our child, we may think about doing something very special with the child: a trip to the amusement park or maybe a weekend trip. We forget how important the little everyday rituals are for bonding with our child. It is cuddling in the parents’ bed in the morning, picking up from kindergarten, and the bedtime story before going to sleep that nourishes your relationship in the long term. Such rituals have certainly become established in your family, whether they were planned or not. Such rituals are important for the children (and not only for them!) – moments with mom or dad that are firmly anchored in everyday life and that they can rely on. They provide support and structure, strengthen the sense of community and enable regular closeness and contact.
Show Your Real Self
A social researcher has shown that people who face their shame and vulnerability and thus take risks are more likely to experience positive feelings such as love, trust, joy, and creativity. It is this ability to show oneself to those closest to you, without a protective shield of perfectionism, that enables us to develop deep relationships and benefit from them.